Philips, D. 1979 Moveable Books: An Illustrated History: Pages and pictures of folding, revolving, dissolving, mechanical, scenic, panoramic, dimensional, changing, pop-up and other novelty books from the collection of David and Briar Philips. London? New English Library.
Possibly the most useful book I have found in the library in all my years of education. Good thing I photocopied it when I did, while on my foundation course in a completely different university, 124 miles away, as I have been able to use it for many projects since, but have never seen another copy of it.
In order shown:
Changing pictures: Pull a tab and the picture changes into a new illustration. Obvious opportunities with illustrations. I figured out how to do this while still on my foundation course, will post the process another time.
Using fabric for 3D clothing: Big skirts, puffy bits of costume. Doesn't necessarily have to be fabric, can be done with paper. Fold flat to turn the page.
Cinderella: The First True Movable: Simple pop-up, pull a string at the back. Writing underneath. Layers.
Peep Show: Pull-out layers, look through a peep-hole, make a 3D scene. Interactive, and the illustration isn't fully revealed until you look through the hole. Looking through a keyhole?