Tuesday, May 1

Experiment Process

Now that I have a range of paper engineered pieces (and one 2D piece) I am ready to start the main part of this project - gauging peoples' reactions to the paper engineering in comparison to "normal" artwork.

I am preparing to head to uni with a camera (and spare batteries, spare SD card, SPARE EVERYTHING) and my work, to hunt down the friends that have said they wouldn't mind me filming them. And possibly to pounce on a few other unsuspecting co-workers while they wait for the printer or something.

I will give each person a brief explanation of what I need from them - to look at each object, play with it, speak aloud any initial thoughts.
I will show each person the finals of this project - both the paper engineered pieces and the totally flat 2D one.
The totally flat 2D one will act as a control.
I will let them have a look or a play with each piece for as long as they like until they are ready to answer my questions.

1. Do you think paper engineering adds any special element to the work, or is it unnecessary?
2. Which object is your favourite?
3. Which object is your least favourite?

What I won't be telling them (unless they for some reason read this blog befor eI get to uni) - what I will find out from letting them look at each piece in turn:

1. Which piece do they look at FIRST?
2. Which piece do they look at the LONGEST?
3. Do they automatically pick up some pieces, or leave others on the table ignored?
4. How do they react - more interested in some pieces? Exclamations? Curiosity? Even do they smile more?

I expect that:
1. They will look at an engineered piece first
2. They will look at one of the engineered pieces the longest (I reckon the "magic" book)
3. They will react differently to the engineered pieces compared to the flat piece.